2 papers on Supply Chain Integrity and Authentication Scheme for Blind Mobile Phone Users have been accepted as full paper in IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, 2013
Paper Appeared at WAPL 2013
Shams Zawoad, Marjan Mernik, and Ragib Hasan “FAL: A Forensics Aware Language for Secure Logging “, To appear at the 4th Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages (WAPL), 2013.
Paper Appeared at GECON 2013
Amit K. Dutta and Ragib Hasan “How Much Does Storage Really Cost? Towards a Full Cost Accounting Model for Data Storage”, To appear at the 10th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services (GECON), 2013.
Huge Media Coverage on Mobile Malware Works
Our work on sensing-enabled channels for triggering mobile malware got huge media attention.
Two Posters Accepted in IEEE Symposium
2 posters on P2PSIP and Mobile Malware have been accepted in IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy, 2013.
Work on Wikipedia Sockpuppet Detection Accepted in LASM 2013
Thamar Solorio, Ragib Hasan, and Mainul Mizan “A Case Study of Sockpuppet Detection in Wikipedia”, To appear at the NAACL/HLT Workshop on Language Analysis in Social Media (LASM 2013).
Paper Appeared at InterCloud-HPC 2013
Mainul Mizan, Md Lutfor Rahman, Rasib Khan, Munirul Haque, and Ragib Hasan “Accountable Proof of Ownership for Data using Timing Element in Cloud Services”, To appear at the International Symposium on Cloud Computing and Services for High Performance Computing Systems (InterCloud-HPC 2013).
Dr. Hasan Won Google RISE Award 2013
Dr. Ragib Hasan has won a 2013 Google RISE Award for his Bengali language e-learning project Shikkhok.com – one of only 30 awards given worldwide from over 800 proposals.
Dr. Hasan Received a $583,000 Grant from US Department of Homeland Security
Dr. Hasan received a $583,000 grant from U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to build a system for verifying the location history and chronological track of mobile devices.
Two Papers Accepted in ASIACCS 2013
Two papers from SECRET Lab have been accepted as full paper in the 8th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS), 2013.