Dr. Fumiko Hoeft – Dyslexia

Dr. Fumiko Hoeft presents at UAB and at Spring Valley school on November 28, 2023. The talk entitled: 20 Years of Dyslexia Research: From a deficit-based neurobiological approach to socio-emotional, whole-child & strength-based approach.

Dr. Fumiko Hoeft presents at UAB

UAB Expo – Fall 2023

In November 29 our undergraduate students presented their projects at UAB expo.

*Kehl, P. M., *Stein, B., Richter, C. G. (2023, November). Examining the relationship between generalized anxiety, reading anxiety, and achievement in adolescents with learning disabilities. Poster presented at Fall 2023 UAB Expo.

*Heard, M. R., *Coffey, L., *Redden, K. B., Richter, C. G. (2023, November). Stigma and stereotype threat interventions in individuals with specific learning disabilities: A systematic review. Poster presented at Fall 2023 UAB Expo.

McKenzie M. Heard was the 2nd Place Winner of the in-person Fall Expo 2023 in the Social and Behavioral Science category.

*Williams, J. C., Richter, C. G. (2023, November). The influence grit has on the various outcomes of elementary and middle school children. Poster presented at Fall 2023 UAB Expo.

*Boatright, V. A., Richter, C. G. (2023, November). Navigating Puberty: A comprehensive review of sex and puberty education for children with autism spectrum disorder. Poster presented at Fall 2023 UAB Expo.

Alexis V. Boatright was the 3rd Place Winner of the in-person Fall Expo 2023 in the Works in Progress category.  

February 2023

Dr. Caroline G. Richter is featured at UConn KIDS (Kids in Developmental Science).

Today’s Friday Feature is Caroline G. Richter!

See full post here: Today’s Friday Feature is Caroline G. Richter! | UConn KIDS (Kids in Developmental Science)

Today’s Friday Feature is Caroline G. Richter! 

Caroline G. Richter was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at UConn from 2021-2022. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham collaborating with Dr. Fumiko Hoeft, Professor of Psychological Science and Director of BrainLENS at UConn. She’s originally from Brazil, where she received her BA in Psychology and MA in Developmental Psychology; she earned her PhD in Developmental Psychology at the University of Louisville.

In her lab, they conduct research with typically developing children and with children who are neurodiverse. They are interested in understanding the cognitive and socio-emotional aspects that contribute to the variability on the academic achievement and adaptive outcomes of children who are neurodiverse. They focus their work particularly on children with Specific Learning Disability, Williams syndrome, and Down syndrome. They hope that the results of their research can be used to inform targeted assessments and interventions, leading to improvements in the quality of life of children and their families. You can find more about their lab here: Science of Child Development and Neurodiversity (STARS) Laboratory. 

Currently, Caroline is studying how socio-emotional constructs, such as motivation, resilience, and stigma impact mental health and academic outcomes of children (11-14-year-olds) who have a learning difference, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, or ADHD. You can learn more about their study in the BrainLENS website and here

In her free time, Caroline enjoys meditating, doing yoga, hiking, reading, traveling, and spending time with her husband, friends, and family. Caroline also loves to spend time with her pets from Brazil.

October 20, 2023

Stars lab Fall gathering. Lab members go to the Bennett Farms to foster team building and connections.

October 18, 2023

University of Connecticut’s 11th Annual Fall Frontiers Exhibition.

Our research assistant Arta Berisha, an undergraduate student at the University of Connecticut (UConn) presents a poster with Celine Li, the Socio-Emotional Competencies study’s Project Manager. They presented at the UConn’s 11th Annual Fall Frontiers Exhibition. The poster entitled Emotional Well-being Among Children with Specific Learning Disabilities can be found here.

*Berisha, A., *Li, C. M., Chen, J. M., Hoeft, F. & Richter, C. G. (2023, October). Emotional well-being among children with specific learning disabilities. Poster presented at the Frontiers in Undergraduate Research exhibition, Storrs, Connecticut, USA.

Arta Berisha (left) and Celine Li (right).

October 04, 2023

Our team attended the Normal Isn’t Real – Disability Fall Fest at UAB. This event was hosted by the Inclusive Well-Being Translational Science Collaborative and the Disability Health and Well-Being Coalition who partnered with organizations and community members to host Disability Fall Fest. This year’s theme was “Normal Isn’t Real.”

The main goal was to promote disability health and well-being, share resources, and create a sense of belonging for both students living with and without disabilities.