National LGBTQ Health Conference 2024

Justess and Shannon presented a poster at the National LGBTQ Health Conference in Atlanta, GA. They got to talk with other LGBTQ+ researchers and attend talks over the course of the conference.

Rice, J., Kirshy, S., Boatright, V.A., Richter., C. G. (2024, August). Evaluating Elements of Social Support as Protective Factors for Mental Health and Well-Being in Autistic Sexual-Gender Minority Young Adults Poster presented at the National LGBTQ Health Conference, Atlanta, GA.

William Syndrome Association Convention 2024

Alecia and Shannon attended the WSA biannual convention to represent the STARS lab as both an exhibitor and researcher. We were able to meet and interact with individuals with Williams Syndrome and their families, attend learning sessions, share information about our lab and ongoing projects, and collect data on emotional well-being in adolescents with WS. The Arizona Diamondbacks baseball team also hosted a game night for all of the families and attendees!

Gatlinburg Conference April 2024

The STARS lab presented several posters at the Gatlinburg Conference in Kansas City, MO.

Dahlman, A., Mercier, A., Arnold, P. H., Mervis, B. C., & Richter, G. C. (2024, April). The Role of Persistence on Adaptive Functioning in Children with Williams Syndrome Ages 6 to 8. Poster presented at the 56th Gatlinburg Conference, Kansas City, MO.

Hawrych, R., Moore, J., Lovejoy, K., Moore, K., Jones, M., Deaver, J., & Richter, C. G. (2024, April). Executive functions of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A systematic review. Poster presented at the 56th Gatlinburg Conference, Kansas City, MO.

Mercier, A., Hall, S., Ruiz, O., Kirshy, S., Koslouski, J., Chafouleas, S. & Richter, C.G. (April, 2024) Emotional well-being measures used with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their psychometric properties. Poster presented at 56th Gatlinburg Conference, Kansas City, MO.