Title: Professor and Director of Collaborative Computing Laboratory (CCL)
Office: University Hall, Room 4141 (UH 4141)
Department: Computer Science
College: College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: +1-205-934-8604
FAX: +1-205-934-5473
Email: puri@uab.edu
Dr. Purushotham Bangalore is a Professor and Director of the Collaborative Computing Laboratory (CCL) in the Department of Computer Science (CS) at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).
Dr. Bangalore’s current research work focuses on developing novel programming techniques to synthesize parallel programs for heterogeneous architectures and next-generation High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms emphasizing fault-tolerance and reliability. He also undertakes research in the area of Grid/Cloud Computing to support rapid grid-enablement of multidisciplinary applications and scheduling applications on the grid/cloud.
He has worked for three decades in several areas of HPC and grid computing including algorithms, object-oriented libraries, message-passing middleware, multidisciplinary applications, and integration systems. His areas of interest include scientific computing, scalable algorithms, performance evaluation and estimation, object oriented numerical libraries and middleware, computational portals, grid computing environments, parallel programming environments, and adaptive systems and applications.
He has published more than 80 peer reviewed articles and has served as program committee member for several conferences and workshops. He has also organized several workshops and short-courses on introduction to high performance computing and using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) as part of the Department of Defense (DOD) Programming Environments and Training (PET) program. He is an active participant in the MPI Forum.
He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, Object-Oriented Design, Algorithms and Data Structures, Fundamentals of Unix Operating System, Competitive Programming Techniques, Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming, Systems Programming, Operating Systems, Parallel Computing, Distributed Computing, and Grid Computing.
Dr. Bangalore received a Ph.D. in Computational Engineering in May 2003 from Mississippi State University. He also has a M.S. degree in Computer Science (May 1995) from Mississippi State University and B.E. degree in Computer Science and Engineering (October 1991) from Bangalore University, India.