02.26.2025: Minae has been appointed as the first holder of the Hill Crest Foundation Endowed Professorship. Congrats Minae!
02.12.2025: Minae gave a talk at the Tulane Brain Institute Seminar Series, Tulane Brain Institute.
02.03.2025: Minae gave a talk at the Neuroscience for Mental Health Seminar Series, Douglas Mental Health University Institute.
12.10.2024: Minae had her presentation at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.
11.16.2024: Allyson presented her research at the AAA meeting 2024, where she earned First Place in the Undergraduate Poster Presentation category. Congrats Allyson!
11.12.2024: Francis presented his work at AAEV2024: His abstract was selected for a lighting talk. He also received the UAB CIRC Fall 2024 Trainee Travel Award to attend the meeting. Congrats Francis!
11.10.2024: Matthew presented his research at GCURS 2024 and was awarded a Travel Award to attend the conference. Congrats Matthew!
10.01.2024: Minae has been awarded tenure. Congrats Minae!
07.25-26.2024: Jakayla presented her work at the UAB EXPO (poster) and Blazer BRAIN research presentation (oral).
06.03.2024: Jakayla Thomas joined the lab as a Blazer BRAIN scholar. Welcome Jakayla!
05.29.2024: Minae gave a talk at the Open Seminar by the Neuroscience Research Group, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine.
05.28.2024: Minae gave a talk at the Center for Medical Transformation, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine.
05.27.2024: Minae gave a talk at the Department of Molecular Pharmacology, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry.
05.25.2024: Minae gave a talk at the 35th World Congress Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum as a luncheon session speaker.
05.24.2024: Minae gave a talk at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neuropsychopharmacology as a special lecture speaker.
05.15.2024: Our latest research has been published in Frontiers in Neuroscience. Read here: https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2024.1366199. Congrats Owen and Francis!
04.24.2024: Our latest published study has been featured on UAB News. Read here: https://www.uab.edu/news/research/item/14086-postpartum-depression-after-adolescent-stress-shows-a-dysregulated-hpa-axis-a-cross-species-translational-study.
04.23.2024: Francis gave his presentation at the UAB Psychiatry annual research symposium 2024.
04.11.2024: Our latest research has been published in Nature Mental Health. Read here:
https://rdcu.be/dEtHd. Congrats Minae!
02.16.2024: Ryleigh Nyman joined the lab as a medical student. Welcome Ryleigh!
01.18.2024: Matthew Shen joined the lab as an undergraduate student. Welcome Matthew!
12.06.2023: Minae has been elected a full member of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Congrats Minae!
12.04.2023: William Gilbert joined the lab as a rotation graduate student. Welcome William!
12.03&06.2023: Minae had her oral and poster presentations at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology: Her abstract was chosen for a hot topic.
11.15.23: Francis had his presentation at the Society for Neuroscience: His abstract was chosen for a nanosymposium.
10.16.2023: Gabrielle Prince joined the lab as a rotation graduate student. Welcome Gabbi!
09.22.2023: Francis has received an Individual Fellowship Award from the UAB Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Education. Congrats Francis!
09.13.2023: Francis had his presentation at the UAB CNC annual retreat 2023.
09.13.2023: The 2023 UAB CNC Multi-PI pilot award has been awarded to the application submitted by the Niwa and Kano labs for our collaboration project, which will focus on elucidating the alterations in neurocircuitry that underlie postpartum cognitive impairment. Congrats the Niwa and Kano labs!
08.28.2023: Shaimaa Khidr joined the lab as a rotation graduate student. Welcome Shaimaa!
08.28.2023: Allyson Thammavongsa joined the lab as an undergraduate student. Welcome Allyson!
07.26-27.2023: Lila presented her work at the Blazer BRAIN Expo, showcasing both oral and poster presentations.
06.23.2023: Our latest published study has been featured on UAB News. Read here: https://www.uab.edu/news/research/item/13645-brain-pathway-identified-that-impairs-postpartum-social-behavior-after-adolescent-stress
06.16.2023: Our latest published study has been featured on the Inscopix’s blog. Read here: https://inscopix.com/2023/06/calcium-imaging-and-optogenetics-reveal-the-impact-of-adolescent-stress-on-postpartum-social-behavior/.
06.05.2023: Lila Ariste joined the lab as a Blazer BRAIN scholar. Welcome Lila!
05.23.2023: Our latest research has been published in Nature Communications. Read here: https://rdcu.be/dcODk. Congrats Kongpyung and Francis!
04.25.2023: Minae had her presentation at the UAB psychiatry annual research symposium 2023.
04.20.2023: Rohit had his presentation at UAB Spring Expo 2023.
04.13.2023: Rohit had his presentation at NCUR 2023.
04.04.2023: Rohit had his presentation at WorldCUR 2023.
03.03.2023: Francis attended the UAB software carpentry workshop 2023.
01.01.2023: Minae serves as an Associate Editor for Neuroscience Research.
12.05.2022: Minae had her presentation at the 61st Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.
11.19.2022: Rohit gave his presentation at the Southeastern Medical Scientist Symposium 2022.
10.17.2022: Adeel Ahmed joined the lab as a Researcher II. Welcome Adeel!
09.16.2022: Minae gave a talk at the Corcept’s 3rd Researchers Conference.
08.29.2022: The Niwa lab has been awarded a supplemental fund from NIH to examine the role of adolescent stress in the acceleration of Alzheimer’s disease related-cognitive impairment. Congrats the lab!
08.20.2022: Molly McNulty joined the lab as an undergraduate student. Welcome Molly!
08.12.2022: Minae had her presentation at the UAB GBS/Joint Health Sciences 2022 Research Symposium.
08.10.2022: Owen has been accepted to the UAB graduate school. Congrats Owen!
07.28.2022: Rohit gave his presentation at the 2022 Summer Undergraduate Research Expo.
06.02.2022: Our perspective article has been published. Check out the paper: Are the Anterior and Mid-Cingulate Cortices Distinct in Rodents? Congrats Francis and Owen!
03.18.2022: Rahul was matched for a Neurology Residency at Duke University. Congrats Rahul!
03.18.2022: Kongpyung received a Travel Award from UAB CIRC. Congrats Kongpyung!
03.15.2022: Rohit has been selected for the 2022 UAB Summer Research Academy. Congrats Rohit!
03.07.2022: Kongpyung gave his presentation at the Molecular Psychiatry Meeting 2022.
01.26.2022: Alex Hayes joined the lab as an undergraduate student. Welcome Alex!
12.15.2021: Minae had her presentation at the 60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.
12.06.2021: Francis attended the Cajal Neurokit: Extracellular Electrophysiology Acquisition.
09.10.2021: Minae served as one of the Topic Editors of the research topic “Circuit, Molecular, and Developmental Mechanisms in Decision-Making Behavior” in Frontiers in Neuroscience.
09.01.2021: Our Book chapter has been published. Check out the paper: Effects of Social Isolation Throughout the Lifespan on Behaviors and Related Neuroendocrine Functions in Rodents. Congrats Kongpyung and Rahul!
07.28.2021: Minae gave a talk at the 1st CJK International Meeting/ the 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society.
06.29.2021: Kongpyung gave his presentation at the UAB Psychiatry Annual Research Symposium 2021.
05.14.2021: Kongpyung gave his presentation at the CNC retreat 2021.
05.03.2021: Owen Leitzel joined the lab as a Researcher II. Welcome Owen!
05.03.2021: Jose Francis de Oliveira joined the lab as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Francis!
02.28.2021: Norimichi left the lab to start a new faculty position in Japan. Congrats Nori!
01.19.2021: Victoria King joined the lab as a rotation graduate student. Welcome Tori!
12.09.2020: Minae had her presentation at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.
11.30.2020: Alp Turgut and Rohit Reddy joined the lab as undergraduate students. Welcome Alp and Rohit!
10.22.2020: Kongpyung successfully extended his fellowship from the Takeda science foundation. Congrats Kongpyung!
10.01.2020: Minae was promoted to Associate Professor. Congrats Minae!
10.01.2020: Nori has been awarded an Emerging Scholar from the UAB Civitan International Research Center. Congrats Nori!
07.09.2020: The Niwa lab has been awarded a supplemental fund from NIMH. Congrats the lab!
04.01.2020: Norimichi Ito joined the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome Nori!
02.03.2020: Kongpyung attended an Optogenetic Innovation Laboratory Workshop.
01.24&02.28.2020: Kongpyung had his presentation at UAB GBS interview weekends poster sessions.
12.10.2019: Minae had her presentation at the 58th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.
10.07.2019: Soumya Khanna joined the lab as an undergraduate student. Welcome Soumya!
09.18.2019: Rahul had his poster presentation at the UASOM Dale J. Benos Medical Student Research Day 2019. Congratulations Rahul on the first place in the section of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases!
08.26.2019: Hector Caceres joined the lab as an undergraduate student. Welcome Hector!
08.20.2019: Dania Mallah joined the Niwa and Kano labs as a Researcher II. Welcome Dania!
08.16.2019: Kongpyung had his poster presentation at the UAB GBS/Joint Health Sciences 2019 Research Symposium.
07.17.2019: Kongpyung attended an in vivo Ca imaging Accelerate workshop.
06.10.2019: Rahul joined the lab as a medical student. Welcome Rahul!
04.26.2019: Rahul Gaini, a medical student, has been awarded a summer research fellowship through the Short Term Training in Health Professional Schools T35/NIH/SRTP. Congrats Rahul!
04.16.2019: Minae gave a talk at the UAB Psychiatry annual research symposium 2019.
04.13.2019: The Niwa Lab receives a 5-year R01 research grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to understand the role of adolescent stress in postpartum mood and cognition. Congrats the lab!
04.01.2019: Kongpyung has been awarded a fellowship from the Takeda Science Foundation. Congrats Kongpyung!
03.01.2019: Kongpyung Kim joined the lab as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Kongpyung!
02.18.2019: Minae attended the Neuroimaging course 2019 at the Max Plank Florida Institute for Neuroscience.
01.01.2019: The Niwa Lab officially started @ UAB.