Ethan Gissendaner

TEDx (x meaning independently organized) is coming to Birmingham with many ideas worth spreading and the message that this city is still a place worthy of its magical moniker. TEDx is similar to the original TED conference, though there are differences (learn more about the distinctions here ). It is a day-long seminar featuring numerous local speakers who are pioneering the renaissance of Birmingham and have unique stories and inspiration to share with Birmingham residents.
For a young professional seeking experience and career opportunities, TEDx is a great platform for exposure and inspiration. It is beneficial to anyone considering the job market in Birmingham (or just seeking a reason to love the city). Co-organizer Matthew Hamilton feels that the conference is all about the city’s future and reminds residents of all ages that they can be a part of the cityís ongoing revitalization. Numerous speakers with a spectrum of titles such as star chef, professor, nonprofit director, prodigy cellist, etc. will be sharing how they have made the most of the opportunities available in Birmingham. They will also be pointing out that there are plenty more opportunities awaiting to be seized. These scheduled speakers have found rewarding careers by investing in their city. They have discovered the magic of Birmingham and intend to inspire all who attend to discover, or rediscover, it for themselves.
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