Professional writers have been influencing the public for a long time. Journalists and bloggers encourage people to either participate in or skip out on what they are reviewing. Whether you’re reading a book or restaurant review, critics use professional writing to persuade and motivate society.
Let’s say there is a movie out in theaters that you’re interested in, but you don’t want to pay the ridiculous ticket prices for a film that might not be worth it. What are your options? You can go to many professional outlets to read movie reviews. Some of these outlets include the New York Times and Rotten Tomatoes.
Movies that are nominated for awards, like the Oscars, have higher ratings than sequels to certain genres of movies, like horror and comedy. Professional writers know exactly what to say about the film to either make their audience love or hate it.
Even if people don’t go directly to the New York Times or Rotten Tomatoes, they still come in contact with some form of professional writing review. Usually, during the trailer for a movie, a line of commentary might be included in an effort to persuade viewers to watch the film.
Even though what your friends say on social media is not considered professional writing, it still influences the decision to watch the movie. Your best friend could post their thoughts on a movie, which might dissuade you from watching the film. A person can completely disagree with what a film critic says about a movie, but will still be influenced by what their friends are saying on social media.
How do professional writers engage their audiences? There is a pattern with every film review that professional writers tend to follow. The review usually opens with an introduction of what the movie is about and who the director is. Then, the critic will either praise the film or vilify it.
Throughout the review, the writer comments on the actors and the content of the movie. Is it fresh? Has it already been done? What are its strengths? How can the film improve? The answers to these questions are ultimately what make up a review, which is what inspires a person to decide to watch it. Of course, everyone will have their own opinion about the movies they watch, but critics are not here to tell you how to feel.
Critics are here to help people for many reasons. One main reason is to help people decide whether they want to watch the film or not. Their work is a friendly suggestion along with helpful tips. In the end, it may be useful if you just read one review for a movie that you are going to see. It may help you in ways that you never thought of.
Aside from professional writers creating movie reviews, they also tap into the world of literature, music and food. Some questions that all critics share include: How does their review make an impact? What are some of the things that professional writers use to help to create an overall trend? What are the things that people look for in their entertainment?
Based on a Twitter poll that asked: “Do you read reviews on movies before you watch them,” ten people voted no, and two people voted yes. One reason why people may be hesitant to read reviews is because they are often subjective.
Even though there is a lack of attention that people give to critics, it is always good to know that they are available for the public to use. Occasionally, it can be beneficial to check out a review—it may help you save money and skip out on a movie that is not worth a trip to the theater.