Join the Team!

Interested in sex differences, hormones, plasticity, and behavior relevant to mental illness? Join the team! Email Dr. Lucas at for details on the following open positions:

Undergraduate Students
Undergraduates wanting to gain hands-on research experience can join the Lucas Lab for research credit hours, as federal work-study students, or as volunteers. Undergraduates in the Lucas Lab will work closely with Dr. Lucas, a postdoctoral researcher, or a graduate student to complete independent research projects that contribute to the larger goals of the lab. Undergraduate researchers will have the opportunity to learn techniques such as mouse behavior, biochemistry, microscopy, molecular biology, and applied data analysis. Undergraduate researchers are expected to attend and contribute to weekly lab meetings. Interested students should meet the following criteria before applying to work in the Lucas Lab: (1) Sophomore year or higher, (2) 3.3 GPA or higher, (3) willingness to commit at least 15 hours/week in the lab for at least two consecutive semesters, which may include working on some nights and weekends, and (4) an understanding, respect, and acceptance of the use of live animals in research. Interested students are encouraged to read this article about getting the most out of an undergraduate research experience.

Our laboratory is committed to diversity, inclusion, and work-life balance. Join our growing team and gain experience in a multidisciplinary, fun, and dynamic research environment.