Post-doctoral Trainee
Major Research Interests
Abdominal Transplant Surgery, Implicit Bias in Healthcare Decision-Making, Hepatobiliary Surgery, Ethics of Transplantation, Organ Allocation, Health Policy, and Surgical Education.
Dr. Maggie E. Jones-Carr is a post-doctoral trainee at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Department of Surgery, Division of Transplantation. Dr. Jones-Carr is supported under a TL1 KUH PRIME training grant and works under the mentorship of Dr. Jayme Locke to study implicit bias in transplant decision making. She has worked on several other projects as well, with topics ranging from surgical education, Artificial Intelligence in medicine, porcine xenotransplantation, novel pre-clinical human models, to disparities in kidney care. Dr. Jones-Carr is a general surgery resident from the University of Mississippi Medical Center, where she will return to finish her general surgery training after her post-doctoral fellowship. She will then complete a clinical abdominal transplant surgery fellowship, with the ultimate goal of being a transplant surgeon-scientist.
University of Arkansas
Residency (Currently Pursuing)
University of Mississippi Medical Center
General Surgery
Completed through PGY-3 year, anticipate return in 2025
Campus Address
FOT 731