Didactic Courses
Course Director for GBS741-Fundamentals of Renal Physiology, 3 credit hours Fall Semester
Course objectives: To provide detailed understanding of renal physiology through a series of lectures, histology analyses, small group discussion, workshop based study problems, and simulations. Experts in kidney physiology will give lectures, to establish a foundation in renal physiology. The activities are designed for hands-on application of the principles taught in the lectures.
Required textbooks/additional course readings:
I. Renal Physiology, 5th edition, By Bruce M. Koeppen, MD, PhD and Bruce A. Stanton, PhD.
II. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 13th edition, by John E. Hall (Units IV, and V).
Preceptor for GBS 742 –Advanced Study of Renal Physiology.
Comparative Renal Physiology – life at the extremes.
Lecturer for MBS613 – Systems Pharmacology II.
I give a lecture on the basics of renal physiology and another lecture on mechanisms of diuretics.
Preceptor for the medical student first year Renal Module Small Group Discussions.
Instructor, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Comparative Physiology Workshop, Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Salisbury Cove, Maine.

Former Chair of the The Faculty Investigator Research in Medicine Seminars: FIRMS – Nephrology
Mission: A lecture series to provide junior basic science, clinical science, and clinical investigator faculty in Departments of Medicine from University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of Chicago, University of North Carolina, UT Southwestern, Emory, and Vanderbilt the opportunity to: 1) present their research to content experts from corresponding divisions at a number of peer institutions early in their careers; 2) obtain constructive feedback from content experts in their field, and develop new opportunities for scientific collaboration; and 3) network with peers and leadership in their areas of research.