The Reality of Climate Change and its Effects on Human Rights and the Refugee Crisis

What is climate change? To understand climate change, we must first know what climate is and how it is different from the weather. Weather is what we see change on a day to day basis. We can see and feel the changes in weather: sunny one day, rainy the next, and back to sunny again. Weather also … Continue reading The Reality of Climate Change and its Effects on Human Rights and the Refugee Crisis

The Arc of History Bends towards Justice

On Sunday, January 15, 2017–the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr–Ajanet Rountree and I filed into the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL, a day before the nation officially recognized Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The historic location held a special church service commemorating King and his contemporaries, reinforcing the role Birmingham … Continue reading The Arc of History Bends towards Justice