January 29, 2022: Rishi Devulapalli, MSTP trainee presented a virtual poster at the Southeastern Medical Scientist Symposium based on the research he performed during his lab rotation under the mentorship of Dr. Yuki Kuranaga.
Happy hour at Ghost Train Brewery
Happy hour at Ghost train brewery to celebrate the submission of a team science grant (Drs. Ryan Miller, Jake Chen, Satoru Osuka, Erin Ahn, and Dr. Van Meir)
Celebrating Yuki’s birthday
We had an outing at a local bowling alley to celebrate Yuki’s bday!
Lab outing at Monday Night Brewery
We had a lab outing at the Monday Night Brewery to celebrate Dr. Van Meir and Billie’s birthday on November 16, 2021!
Elkholy joins lab for rotation
Amr graduated from School of Pharmacy at Alexandria University, Egypt, where he realized that, at present, therapeutics failed to cure some diseases, such as tumors, which are difficult to be understood on a molecular basis. His research was mainly focusing on the signaling pathway in colon cancer and the interplay between the microbiome and tumors. He is interested to learn more about the molecular pathology of brain tumors.
Summer lab party
We had a blast at this summer party, hosted by Dr. Van Meir!
Svetlana’s Birthday Celebration
Drs. Van Meir and Osuka Featured in the UAB School of Medicine News!
Drs. Van Meir and Osuka were featured in the UAB School of Medicine News on March, 15.
“Researchers in the School of Medicine, including Satoru Osuka, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Neurosurgery, and Erwin G. Van Meir, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Neurosurgery and associate director of the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center, have identified a potential new pathway to treating radiation-resistant glioblastoma, one of the most aggressive forms of brain cancer.”
To read this article in more detail, please click here
Drs. Van Meir and Osuka’s Manuscript Accepted in the Journal of Clinical Investigation
Congratulations to Drs. Van Meir and Osuka whose manuscript was just accepted in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Below is the citation:
Osuka S, Zhu D, Zhang Z., Li C, Stackhouse CT, Sampetrean O, Olson JJ, Gillespie GY, Saya H, Willey CD, and Van Meir EG (2021) N-cadherin upregulation mediates adaptive radioresistance in glioblastoma. Journal of Clinical Investigation (Epub ahead of print)
Yuki’s Birthday Celebration
Recently, we celebrated Yuki’s birthday. We are so happy we got to celebrate your special day!