Thesis Defense – McKayla Kurtz

We want to congratulate our PhD student McKayla Kurtz on her recent thesis defense! McKayla presented her project “The Role of the Executive Control Network in Social Functioning in Autism” on Oct 17 to the committee. Her thesis utilizes both neuroimaging and behavioral assessment data from the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE). We are so proud of her hard work!

Undergrad Presents at TCAC 2024

Sep 12, 2024. Joseph Kannala presents his research poster at the Thompson Center Autism Conference.

We are very proud of our undergraduate researcher Joseph Kannala and his poster presentation at the Thompson Center Autism Conference! Joseph is an undergraduate researcher from St. Louis University who collaborated with the CBrA lab over the summer on a novel research project. He used data from our lab’s MISLEAD study to assess how higher cognitive functions impact deception detection in neurodiverse young adults. Congrats Joseph!

Dr. Kana talks autism on “All Around Science” podcast

The CBrA lab director, Dr. Rajesh Kana, was invited onto the science podcast “All Around Science” to talk about autism and the brain. This latest episode was released May 20, 2024. Listen to Dr. Kana’s insights and learn about the current state of autism research here!


NCUR 2024

Congratulations to Caroline Vanderburgh for her amazing poster presentation at the National Council for Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2024 meeting! Caroline’s poster examined thalamo-cortical functional connectivity in autism.

MoLA 2024

The CBrA Lab was thrilled to have our program coordinator, Paula Argueta, present a poster at the Meeting on Language in Autism (MoLA) 2024 conference! Paula worked with co-coordinator Lucas Martin and postdoctoral researcher Elizabeth Valles-Capetillo on the poster titled “The cognitive and neural correlates of reading comprehension in autistic and neurotypical children”. The poster used data from our lab’s BrainREAD study and looked at the relationship between various cognitive abilities, brain areas, and reading performance.

2024 Alabama Autism Conference

Graduate Researcher Meagan Beckerson (left) and Project Coordinator Lucas Martin (right) at the CBrA Lab booth at the 2024 Alabama Autism Conference. Feb 23, 2024.

On Friday, February 23, Project Coordinator Lucas Martin and Graduate Researcher Meagan Beckerson attended the 2024 Alabama Autism Conference at the Bryant Conference Center at the University of Alabama. They represented the CBrA Lab at their booth, informing clinicians, researchers, caretakers, and other parties about the lab’s research and opportunities for participation. Many talented and respected speakers presented at the conference, providing insights into the current state of Autism research, care, and community. We look forward to the next AAC in 2025!

CBrA Lab Returns to UAB

After four years at The University of Alabama, the Cognition, Brain, and Autism (CBrA) Lab has returned to its origins at The University of Alabama at Birmingham. At the beginning of this year, CBrA Lab Director, Dr. Rajesh Kana, accepted a position as the new Associate Dean of Graduate and Continuing Studies in the College of Arts & Sciences. You can read about his move from UA to UAB on the CAS news page here. The CBrA lab staff and graduate students are excited for new connections and opportunities here in Birmingham!

Exterior of Campbell Hall showing garden bed filled with annual flowers, April 2020.