Professional Development
Learn More About Professional Development
Co-Advisement/Skills Development
Faculty from partner institutions serve on graduate committee of CAMCSE students as well as provide mentoring, professional development, and skills training.
Assignment of a collaborative contact at DOE/NNSA Lab/sites.
Mandatory Summer Workshops
Team-taught workshops in (a) Additive Manufacturing, (b) Machine Learning in Materials Science, (c) Static and Dynamic Compression of Materials, (d) Crystal Structure Refinements under Extremes, and (e) Measurements and Modeling of Mechanical Behavior under Varying Strain Rates.
8-week summer internship for four students/year at LANL, LLNL, or SNL.
Bench Strength Development
Postdocs and early career faculty bought into leadership roles within CAMSCE and provided the training and support to prepare them to lead team-based science efforts.
Leadership/Communication Training
CAMCSE students/postdocs present at SSAA symposium.
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