Static High-Pressure High-Temperature (HPHT) Studies on CCSs


Static High-Pressure High-Temperature (HPHT) Studies on CCSs

Baseline static pressure studies on AM CCSs to a pressure (P) of 100 GPa and temperature (T) of 2300 K will be carried out in this thrust. These high P-T measurements will: (a) establish P-T phase diagram information for comparison to as-cast materials; (b) provide pressure-density data for development of multi-phase equation of state models (essential also for design of high strain-rate shock experiments); and (c) enable the tailoring of material properties for specific applications. Our static high P-T measurements benefit from NNSA-funded X-ray facilities (HPCAT and other platforms) at APS (ANL).

X-ray Diffraction of 3-D Printed A1CoCrFeNi


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