Phase and Microstructure Evolution of CCSs under Dynamic Compression


Phase and Microstructure Evolution of CCSs under Dynamic Compression

We will use and develop advanced X-ray characterization tools to measure the evolution of both the phase and microstructure of these CCS materials, in comparison to conventional ones. As shock waves irreversibly damage materials in one single shot, all the relevant data required to describe the material dynamics must be collected simultaneously. To do this, we will perform experiments at dedicated shock facilities whose extreme pressure drives can sustain the appropriate pressure and temperature, with the necessary structural calibrations to understand the system. Advances in synchrotron and X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFEL) source technology have recently enabled direct structural measurements in-situ during shock waves previously inaccessible due to X-ray flux limitations of the sources. Over the next 5 years, developments at XFEL (European XFEL, SACLA, and LCLS) and synchrotron (APS and ESRF) facilities will enable ultrafast X-ray scattering, microscopy, and spectroscopy experiments that can truly measure the extreme environments relevant to these shock-induced dynamics even on complex systems like CCSs.

Preliminary in-situ shock compression results of AM AlCoCrFeNi2.1 indicate the rich phase transformations observed under high-strain rate conditions.


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