FOOD for MS trial protocol published

The protocol for the FOOD for MS clinical trial was recently published in Contemporary Clinical Trials. The trial tests the impact of improving diet quality, alone and in combination with weight loss, on physical and cognitive function in people with RRMS and SPMS. The trial is currently enrolling at UAB and Washington University in St. Louis.

Martin, K., Cofield, S.S, Cross, A.H., Goss, A.M., Raji, C.A., Rinker, J.R., Wu, G.F., Blair, J., Fuchs, A., Ghezzi, L., Green, K., Pace, F., Pastori, G., Taylor, M.G., Piccio, L., Wingo, B.C. (2024). Functional Outcomes of Diets in Multiple Sclerosis (FOOD for MS): Protocol for a parallel arm randomized feeding trial for low glycemic load and calorie restriction. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 143:107584.